

You can only keep 5 things you have. What will they be?

You can only keep 5 things you have. What will they be?

Lets assume that "people" in your life don't count and your home doesn't count... we are only talking about other material possessions.

That's a tough question, at least for a pack rat like me.... but I will attempt.

1. My Cal Ripken autographed baseball.
2. My Wedding Album. Although my photographer told me if there is ever a house fire to leave the album behind because he can recreate it.
3. My external hard drive. My life is on that hard drive.
4. My car. How else would I get around
5. Thatcher's car seat.

That was the 1st list I came up with... then I realized... maybe this question is a little more literal. ONLY 5 things... so I tried again.

1. A  t-shirt
2. My favorite pair of jeans
3. A pair of underwear ( I can do without a bra)
4. A pair of flip flops
5. Toothbrush

Man this is hard.... After I dressed myself that only left me with one item... and what good is a toothbrush with out toothpaste?!?

So now lets assume the clothes you wear don't count... then what would your 5 items be?

1. Toothbrush
2. Toothpaste
3. Toilet paper
4. My bed
5. A pillow

Ugh.... it's a good thing we don't REALLY have to choose 5 things! I could never do it! Even with that last list... I still feel like I need at least a blanket.

What's your interpretation? What's your 5 things? I am curious to know what's "important" to others and what I may have overlooked.

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